Sunday, April 14, 2013

Flowers and Outer Space

These were written last semester. "Sassy" And "Mars Landing" will soon appear in Concordia University's literary magazine, the Aerie. Enjoy!


Sassyflower, you are bold.
You throw your head into the air,
No remorse for all your orangeness.
Growing by the road among the simpletons,
The undercut, unconfident, the pistil-lacking flowers--
You blast the tune that they but murmur.
I doubt you knew what you were asking:
The ecstasy of being chosen,
the deadly fate of being picked.

Hosted by the homeliest of earth-shrubs,
small in volume,
loud to look at,
red as fresh-cut life,
your green nodes channel fluxuations in the aether.
Too great and strange for this great realm--
a cosmic hiccup must've brought you here.
So tell me of the other worlds;
bring me signs of better life.

Mars Landing

The irrefutable pull
of this former fleck of light,
this ancient god,
this brother-world,
makes evident
the insignificance
of my own

The acid contours of this place
stretch to form horizon,
redder than the first light of creation,
redder than the blood in the veins
of the life they hoped to find here.

All is silence
save the violent flutter
of descent--
no familiar air to tear me to pieces,
only acrid vapors
that would rust me the color of this place,
were I of weaker composition.

Light and dark divide themselves upon the surface:
rocks appear,
and rivulets;
no tracks of those who came before--
no one came before.

Mountains rise--
Engines fire--
Metal braces--

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