Sunday, April 21, 2013

#17 and #18

(17) Care Fell into the Water

For us it was
the bridge of
The Three Billy Goats,
Winnie the Pooh,
and Terabithia,
all bound up in a few planks of wood
that kept the feet of passers-by
from getting wet
in the little stream between our houses.
Some days we ran through it anyway,
but most days
we picked up sticks together,
both let go and dropped them in,
watched as they emerged on the other side,
or lost them.
Once we held on to each other's hands
just a second too long
after the twig dropped
and forgot to watch for it.

(title/inspiration from a sign written in poor English. Think ''. The phrase just really intrigued me, though, in a non-comical way. Still needs re-vamping.)

(18) A Poem in the Oven

Somewhere in the back of the house
a frail voice calls,
Careful, dear,
the last one was undercooked!”

(It's fun to see little series(es?) develop throughout the month. I want to put this one with 'apocalypse' and a few other short witty ones.)

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