Monday, April 15, 2013

Embracing Fridge Magnets as a Catalyst for Poetry

Shadow Danger

The Clear Choice Tree

1 comment:

  1. I hear your voice and listen to the inflection of your words
    your passion for the rightousness of faith carries with it the lost dreams and hopes of a mis-spent youth
    That I oftentimes find myself recalling.

    Although I do not recall in sadness the days and weeks of yesteryear,
    I remember my hopes and dreams,
    the few that were at that time,
    and I realize that the culmination of them all,
    the unknown factor that would justify my existence
    which had eludeded me until a mere few weeks ago
    became fully formed in the glory and reason for my existence
    gathered itself up and crested the chasoms of my weary heart
    showering me with purpose, and meaning, and hope that my life, once thought a trial of pain and suffering,
    indignant that so many others would have what I had so passionately sought after,
    was located in my own home
    In her own room,
    darkened to a faux night sky,
    and slept, peaceful and serene,
    ready to explode upon the world as a mover of mountains,
    a changer of hearts,
    the very purpose in which I was granted life,
    became this nuclear detonation of joy and fulfillment that is chomping at the bit
    to change the world one word at a time
    by knowing that knowledge is worth expressing in such an empassioned embrace,
    which so eagerly sought after by the desire to see the good in the world come to fruition and pollenize the people that came into contact with your oh-so-gracious soul, changing forever their hearts and hopes,
    their head held a little higher,
    their backs a little straiter,
    their steps a little more sure,
    that they are slightly, and yet forever, changed.

    I always wanted to be somebody.
    I knew that I was supposed to be, anyway.

    And now that I see your life unfold,
    I am proud
    and honored
    to to be that someone
    that you call "Dad".
