Thursday, April 3, 2014

2014 NaPoWriMo Kick-Off (Days 1 and 2)

Well, here goes something...

(1) Danger

For a Stranger in a Dream

I know it's cliche to start with the eyes,
but they scare me.
They seem to understand
better than I want them to.
I'm scared how unafraid I am to touch you.
I'm scared that I am choosing not to be safe for once,
     choosing a closeness I don't understand,
     choosing to bring myself into your gravity.
          (for you are worth falling for
               and I am drunk on the thought of the coming crash)
but choosing is the wrong word,
          I have already chosen.
My reservation is a lie that I will tell myself
when it is all over.

(2) Fight Me

I need you to be angry.
You say that you love me?
Well, prove it.
Tell me everything you wish were different.
You never react;
it is only ever acting.
You are proving that you're sleeping,
and we
have never had a real conversation.
Direct didn't get me any closer
     to the lion inside you
so I've been trying for passive aggression,
multiplying my lies and their sizes,
just wishing for some kick-back;
call me on my bullshit,
We are in complacent crisis.
It is time to revive our inner peace
long silenced by passivity.
I need you
to fight me.

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